Labor Day weekends are full of picnics, family, friends, music, relaxation and fun! We honor the American labor movement and the multitude of contributions that all workers have made and still do.
Below are just some of the Labor Day weekend bluesy events going on around the country. Relax, enjoy and experience the labor of love that is music!
Fri Aug 30: Black Prairie Blues Festival/West Point, MS
Fri Aug 30-Sat Aug 31: Peoria Blues & Heritage Music Festival/Peoria, IL
Fri Aug 30-Mon Sept 1: 29th Rentiesville Dusk til Dawn Blues Festival/Rentiesville, OK; 11th Bedford Blues & BBQ Festival/Bedford, TX; Marquette Area Blues Fest/Marquette, MI; Paramount Music Festival/Port Washington, WI; Blues & Views Festival/Westport, CT
Sat Aug 31: Hot Springs Blues Festival/Hot Springs, AR; OOB Ballpark Blues Festival/Old Orchard Beach, ME; Legendary Blues Festival/Helena, AR; Pre-Labor Day Blues Show, Montgomery, AL; Big Muddy Blues Fest/St. Louis, MO
Sat Aug 31 – Sun Sept 1: Plymouth Folk and Blues Festival
Sat Aug 31- Mon Sept 2: Blue Wing Blues Festival/Upper Lake, CA
Sun Sept 1: Bowlful of Blues/Newton, IA
Mon Sept 2: 34th Annual WRFG Labor Day Blues Barbecue/Atlanta, GA