
Get your Blues Society Ad in our 21st Annual Blues festival Guide magazine only $50

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We are in our 21st year with the 2023 Blues Festival Guide & we would love to get your Blues Society listed!

Get your Blues Society ad in our 21st Annual Blues festival Guide only $50

Dear Blues Society,

We know that part of your job is gaining new members…and we can help!

Would you like to have your Blues Society listed in the 2023 Blues Festival Guide magazine?

The cost of the listing is only $50 and it is a great way to make blues fans aware of your organization to gain new members and drive them to the events on your website.

Simply email the following info to heather_p@BluesFestivalGuide.com

Please email your info to me exactly in this order:

Name of Society
City, State, zip
Phone number
Contact name
Email address

Please put your Blues Society’s NAME in the subject line of email.

We will send you an invoice via email.

Thank you for all you do for the Blues!
