During February The Blues Foundation holds a Month of HART where they encourage their affiliated blues societies to hold a Day of HART Fundraiser. All proceeds raised from the events will go directly to the HART Fund, helping ensure the health and well-being of wonderful blues musicians from across the genre whose music gives us so much pleasure.
The Blues Foundation will list all supporting Affiliates on their HART Fund website page, with dates and links to each event. Each participating Affiliate will also be included in a special section of our upcoming newsletters, to shine a light on the work they’re doing.
For the affiliated blues society that raises the most funds during their Day of HART Fundraiser, The Blues Foundation will arrange for health screenings in their community for their musicians and society members, free of charge!
If you’re a Blues Foundation Affiliate and want to register your Day of HART Fundraiser event, please contact Addison Hare at addison@blues.org or (901) 527-2583, ext. 14. Once you register, you will receive a special Day of HART graphic to use in your promotions.