NEW SERVICE!!! MP3 song file delivery to Radio DJs
Need Radio Airplay?
Get your music to our master list of Blues radio stations; almost 1,000 contacts.
It’s so easy…
Radio DJs need your song in MP3 format. We will send a formatted digital marketing piece, with your SONG DOWNLOAD LINK to our entire list of Blues radio DJs through a targeted emailer.
We host your song on our platform and send your song for download via link to our radio DJ list for only $175!!!
How do you get started?
Simply email us this info (all in one email):
(note, multiple emails will be rejected; must come in one email)
- Name of your Song:
- Name of your Album:
- Name of Artist:
- Name of Label:
Short Headline announcing your project
- 500 words (or less) description (i.e. press release about you and your music, your inspiration for this song, etc.)
- Your contact info: phone, email, website, and social media links
- One .jpeg Image (CD cover, band, or logo)
- Mp3 file of one song
RBA Publishing & Publicity, 2150 Western Ave, Arcata, CA 95521