The First Traveling Church of North San Juan and Chewy B Crunchie Innovations presents “Pinkie’s Hair Raising Experience 2014,” Sunday, August 31 at the outdoor amphitheater at the North Columbia School House (17894 Tyler Foote Crossing Rd.), Nevada City, CA, from noon to 10pm. The musical lineup includes Cee Cee James, Pinkie & Blind Resistance, Val Starr & The Blues Rocket, Dippin’ Sauce, Jamal Walker Band, Grease Grit & Grime, Dennis Sies & Friends and emcee Tommy King. Tickets are $25.
“Pinkie’s Hair Raising Experience” strives to have a blast for kids’ sake! No really! We get together and have a great time while making money for a child with cancer to have a human hair wig. We never announce who the benefactor company will be until after the fact and our goal is to sponsor one child a year. It costs $1800 currently to sponsor a child. Help us to reach our goal this year! Buy a ticket or two and come join the fun! Live music and raffles are just the tip of the iceberg! Food and beverages will be offered on site at The North Columbia School House right above the amphitheater, but you can bring your picnic basket and chairs and just kick back. We do ask that you purchase your beverages from the site. Water bottles for $1 each! Trying to make $1800 in a day!