A note from your e-Editor Michele Lundeen
As we all know, bars, clubs and restaurants are being ordered to close up around the globe. This is deeply affecting local and touring artists to the core. For many, this is their livelihood and many will be hurting financially not to mention emotionally.
As a musician myself, I know that music is our life and life’s blood… now is the time for a bit of transfusion and sharing all around. How can we not play music and share our passion?! A large variety of artists have starting doing live, virtual concerts online for fun and some are also accepting donations, and with open arms (well, you know what I mean). Some calling their concerts Quarantine Sessions! A few local venues are contemplating having only an artist or minimal band set up on their stage to live stream.
The list of artists that will be online performing live is endless! We are all pretty much in that same boat… cancelled gigs and tours and now home bound!
Artists like Tommy Castro Band, Janiva Magness, and Nick Schnebelen among others have mentioned planning live streams. Shari Puarto let us know that their Northern California tour was cancelled so The Shari Puorto Band has decided to bring you a live show to your home Saturday Mar 21 via Facebook! Mike Zito has even taken it a step further saying and he and his band have started to write and record an album which he says will wrap over the next 2 weeks! That album will only be available on his website.
Look up artists on the web and see what’s shaking. Visit the musician’s websites, watch their streams, donate if you can, send them messages, let them know you’re thinking of them one way or another. We are all in this together and the music will go on.
We sincerely wish you and yours the best of health and peace.
Music is a natural healer!