This Week’s Featured Artist: Chris Yakopcic
MEMPHIS, TN – Hi, I’m Vinny Marini, of Music On The Couch, and I will be web-casting LIVE during IBC.
There are 10 weeks before opening day of the 32nd International Blues Challenge. By this time almost all societies have selected their entrants. The societies from around the world have their local competitions as early as June or July to allow the winners time to raise money for their trips.
Remember, you can win your local challenge, but it your responsibility to get to Memphis, stay in Memphis and eat in Memphis! I spoke with a band from Australia a couple of years back and they told us their local Blues Society raised $15,000 for them to come to the IBC. Sounds great, right? Well this was a 6-person band and after paying for their airfare and the 2 rooms they were sharing, they told me they were still eating Ramen Noodles in their rooms because they had almost no money left! They don’t call this a challenge for nothing.
This Week’s featured Artist:
Chris Yakopcic – Dayton Blues Society Solo/Duo Entrant
Chris is on his way to the IBC for the fourth time! He previously had won local challenges in:
- 2011 (2012IBC) for Blues Society Of Western PA
- 2012 (2013 IBC) for Cincinnati Blues Society
- 2014 (2015 IBC) for Cleveland Blues Society Chris was a finalist, performing on the Orpheum Stage on Saturday.
- 2015 (2016 IBC – this January) for Dayton Blues Society
This year the Northeast Ohio Blues Society has submitted Chris’ album, The Next Place I Leave, for the Best Self Produced CD Challenge.
Note: You can join as many Blues Societies as you’d like, which allows artists to compete in multiple local challenges if they choose. Some societies have radius clauses restricting acts from far outside their area to compete.
Until next week…Be Happy, Be Safe and Share the Blues
Vinny Marini is owner/host for Music On The Couch. The show streams live on Monday evenings at 9pm CENTRAL and is archived. Listen to past 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015 IBC Shows here.
In January, as he has for the last four years, Vinny will be web-casting LIVE from the fuBAR at Rum Boogie Café on Beale Street during the International Blues Challenge bringing you seven shows beginning with Tuesday night’s web-cast of the Tas Cru Jam To Benefit Generation Blues. Then two shows a day, Wednesday-Friday at 11am and 6pm Central.
This year, Vinny has partnered with the Blues Festival Guide and will bring you updates on the entrants leading up to their all converging on Memphis, TN January 26-30, 2016. All IBC acts should contact Vinny via email.