Hey there! Do you have a hi-resolution picture of you or someone else wearing a crazy, clever, hysterical, eye-brow-raising, or truly poignant t-shirt at a Blues event? Well, bring it on ‘cause we’d love to see them.
Every once in a while I see someone wearing a t-shirt with some off-the-wall graphic and/or a saying that makes me ponder, smile, covet or just laugh outloud and I wish I’d taken a picture. I did see and take a few shots of some on the blues cruise recently, which now has piqued our interest for a collection of sorts. Send a JPEG of your fun and/or poignant pics with a caption of where it was taken to michele@bluesfestivalguide.com. Remember a real pic, not ones from the internet (like I just did)!
Thanks in advance for sharing your crazy-clever with us!
(R-rated okay but no super x-rated please)